Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why are we STILL in a man's world in 2008??

I cannot believe it is 2007 and it is STILL a man’s world, now so more than ever. And ladies, it is OUR fault. Please STOP acting so desperate and taking abuse from men! I am not insecure nor am i a prude. I love sex in all its forms. When people are single i have no problem with most of these things. But it is the men in relationships, the new breed of man that wants to be comitted but still “free”.

In relationships, don’t act like your man looking at porn, going out ALLL night to clubs getting drunk dancing and flirting, ogling girls in your face, sweating girls at their job, going to strip clubs, peeing on the street, talking to exes, asking women to show their **** is not WRONG! I See so many stupid women everyday saying these things and in the next breath saying but he really loves me and at least hes not cheating?!

AND don’t egg him on even more to look like the totally cool girl who won’t complain about anything and supports his playa lifestyle. I have seen girls take their man to scores, point out hot bodies on the street and laugh when their man flirts in t heir face….wtf?!

Not only that…what is wrong with society? what are we teaching the young children? I went to see a magic show the other day, while maybe 2 acts were decent, the whole show was based on women in bikinis, their asses hanging OUT of the bikini, strip-dancing around poles! And this show had a lot of children there since it said “magic for all ages”….

Look in hotels..and what do you see..women with v necks down to their stomachs, serving drinks. topless car washes. strip clubs in FAMILY neighborhoods. Movies will not do well if they dont have a topless girl or two or a lesbian scene. Hooters, bars that only hire big breasted women in size xxx small tank tops….therefore, every woman tries to dress like a whore whether she is going to work, going dancing, going to the park, supermarket, etc. There is almost no other choice if you want to compete.

What am I getting at? Ladies, stop degrading yourselves and taking these jobs! There are plenty of other jobs wehre you will make just as much if not MORE money. AND where are the advertisements for guys gone wild? where are the issues of maxim for women with naked guys with a dot over their penis? where is a hooters for women called coconuts or something? Why cant I go to a show and have a woman magicvian with hot scantily clad men? why doesnt the movie industry portray nudity in men just as much as they do in women?

WHY..because it is a mans world. Because men will just call us crazy and psycho and insecure. and we will just go along like sheep, doing what men tell us we are suppossed to do. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELVES. DONT PUT UP WITH ANY MORE CRAP. CALL OUT MEN ON THEIR ****. AND DONT STAY WITH A MAN WHO IS A WOMANIZING TRIFLING SELFISH DIXK CENTERED PRICK
and i bet u ladies tht many men r gonna say im insecure but thts a bunch of bs cuz men u know u do this yet u think we’re insecure…if it wasnt true id understand if men wud say tht but when they know they do this tht is hypocritical!

this isnt my question & no im not lyk this b/c ive been scared by a guy (tho i know men personally and know girls who hav been & any smart person on the planet know men r this way!)….& u hav 2 agree w/ tht ladies….especailly the ones who have been told they’re insecure when they know the guy did something

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