Thursday, May 19, 2011

how to get many HP for cheap ! !?

i know many people will see this but the true is…
the way to get HP for free is…. go to another near town and look for the car you want, with all upgrades you always dream and then go and stole it ! ! that is the only way you will get a nice HP gain with no spend $$ at all
people asking over and over the same question is boring and other kind of question are…
i want my mazda 3 turbo, list the parts i need plz
mechanic isnt like to go to the supermarket and buy cookies and coffee unless there is an aftermarket bolt on applycation you have to buy part separately and denpend on what you like and HP you want to so dont be so damn retarded asking that bull*&*% again
and then the retarded answering guys, yes buy this or buy that, rookies you dont know nothing so stop guessing
if you want a turbo but no kit is bolt on for your car then you have to frabricate your own parts, cut, add and stuff ! ! ! THAT IS WHY YOU CANT LIST PARTS
so feel free to post any coment ill not aflager

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