Thursday, May 19, 2011

This is a question for Americans living in the UK?

I have always been curious about why Americans choose to come and live in the UK what made you want to come and live here. What are your favourite parts of living here? What do you think of our culture way of life? What do you think of tv shows like the BBC/ITV cable and Satellite tv our radio stations. What were your first reactions to driving on the wrong side of the road wrong side of the car learning whole new set highway codes trying to navigate roundabouts in large cities.
Do you think the UK is becoming more Americanised by adopting American franchises like Subway, Footlocker, The Gap, H&M, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut etc we watch a lot of American tv shows like Bones and others shows.
I love America have been there several times I especially love Florida where the sunshine is and am planning my next holiday (vacation) to the sunshine state never been to Miami only ever been to Orlando which I would love to live. I know an American living in Edinburgh (well he’s s colleague and don’t really know him) but I asked him what made him move here and he said his wife is Scottish and he decided he wanted to live here. I would love to hear what Americans think about living here in the UK what they like best about this country I read somewhere that there is about 200,000 Americans living and working in the UK some permanently some temporarily on student visas or short term work permits for a year or two. last question what do you think of our supermarkets (grocery stores) like Tescos, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Waitrose are they like anyother grocery stores in the States like Publix or Wal-mart.
oh damn sorry I put this question in the wrong section how do I post this question again without having to type it again?

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