Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Herald exclusive: One frame at a time – Part II

Herald exclusive: One frame at a time – Part II
In India with a highly nationalist media, reporting what happens on the ground in conflict zones, especially Kashmir, offend not only one's contemporaries but also the powerful security and state institutions leading to constraints.

Read more on Dawn

Grossest sundae- Oreo at BurgerKong, any fastfood that doesn't disappoint?

I had the biggest let-down today of my fast food experience it was hot in my car I was craving a chocolatey thing, all creamy and whatnot, there was BK I can handle something fast-foodish, because the sweet options like sundaes and parfaits at those places seem to be good, at least better than the “food”.
SO I got the Oreo Vanilla Sundae from BK.

Jeez, I was so jipped, it was flat on top, NOT the whipped puffy thing I am now seeing online in the pictures, it was really watery and just sweet and sickly, and sticky, it didn’t especially taste of vanilla or chocoate ( the fudgey swirl on top) nor did it taste of the oreo bits, cos they were watered down by the nasty sundae and too cold to actually be fudgey and nice, in that crappy oreo way.
It wasn’t even tasty. just sticky, sweet and watery.

Why does all american food taste so crap? It’s just sweet without actually having a flavour, I mena at least it should have tasted vanilla-ey. But it didn’t. And it was so thin.!I was sorry I hadn’t gone to McDonalds next door, yes, how sad ! At least their milkshakes are really thick.
I know it’s fast food, but this thing cost $3 and was a total waste of money and calories.

I thought you could really go too wrong with a packaged milkshake mix and some oreos, but it seems you can.
Do not get!

Is there any fast food that doesn’t disappoint?? The only thing I would actually get again is the parfait’s at McDonalds, but thatn you may as well get fresh yoghurt and fruit from a cheaper supermarket.
I want some ideas of actual fast food that is actually good on any menu.

The parfaits, and , ( hang head in shame) the Taco Bell menu has sometimes got Crunchwraps on it, which are very very fine.

I would like to know what is the best surprise out there, but milkshakes and sundaes especially, I never been to Wendy’s is it good for sundaes?
Thank you
gosh really gerardo , do you care to answer the question at all? Dick.

can you help me plan a road trip across america?

im planning to go on a road trip in america from california to new york, or new york to california, where would the best place to start from be? and stopping at many states, national parks, attractions and e.t.c
please could you recommend me places to go and costs for each one.

there will be 4 of us altogether and will be will mostly camping, so it will be cheaper. Will would also buy food in bulk from supermarkets which will also cut costs. We are unsure of which car to travel in, maybe a hippy van or convertible jeep or something cheaper or more appropriate, any suggestions.
I was wondering how long will it take altogether. time is something we don’t have to worry about.
how much will the trip cost per person? including petrol, food, admissions to attractions, e.t.c
how much will petrol cost?
how much will food cost?
how could we make the trip cheaper?
how much does it cost to rent a car?
how do we make the most out of our trip?
when will be the best time to go? in the summer or will it be too hot?
how much will hotels or motels cost?
any other information

i live in the UK at the moment.

Thank you for your help. :)

If you're an amateur detective, believe in conspiracies, or in strange things, do you think this is weird?

PLEASE, you have to pay attention and read it all, if not you will miss out on something. I just need some input on this, which may or may not be important, but it’s really odd:

1. My cousin went to a well known chain pharmacy store as he does at least twice a week. Not to buy medicines, but a few grocery items. He came to my home first to bring me my part of the groceries and as he opened the bag he found a medicine bottle and instantly was ready to go return it to the store. My cousin does not play jokes and it’s a totally reliable and serious person.

2. Not having bought medicines there ever he doesn’t know that meds are only paid at the back where they dispensed, and never, ever, at the cashiers. I informed him of this and said it was not possible that the customer in front of him could have left it behind, simply because they are always paper-bagged and sealed with staplers.

3. My cousin had stopped at the supermarket for other items which are also on special, and since he walks everywhere instead of using a car, he has to leave packages the supermarket’s small “customer service cubicle” which is actually the 10-items cashier register, where they keep all packages till customers finish doing their groceries (you know, in order to curb stealing). Another clue or hint: the pharmacy does not require customers leave their bags while shopping.

4. I concluded it must have been there that someone opened his already closed bag (witnessed by him to have been tied into a knot by the cashier, and having been found still with the knot when he got here, and that someone slipped the medicine bottle in.

5. A couple of “clues” or “coincidences” are the following: there is a “new bag boy (actually a man) which is actually a new feature at that store, mainly because this store seldom hires anyone anymore, and also because there has never been a bag boy in that cashier register EVER!

6. Living in a world full of paranoia and suspicious activities, where police officers judge and condemn people even before they are brought into the police station. Knowing how grotesquely twisted the law can be sometimes, and simply firmly believing that authorities do not conduct themselves as they used to, let’s say 30 years ago, they eye everyone suspiciously, we have wanted to avoid any problems, such as by returning this medicine to the store, or even calling the person on the phone_his phone and address are on the bottle_just in case this man thinks we tampered w/ the medicine or something. Besides how can we tell it was at the supermarket where they opened the bag precisely to insert it there? If it was done by the cashier at the drug store: why would she have someone’s medicine bottle there with her? And if it was hers how distracted can she be that she takes it and puts in the bag? Besides the cashier counter at these drug stores is so narrow no one can place something there without been so distracted, both the cashier and my cousin, not to have not seen it.

7. Guess what? The bottle is not even from that drug store chain.

8. Guess what? In a “formidable” play of words, the name of that pharmacy (of which none of us has ever heard about and we’ve been living in this city for almost 4 decades), is the almost the exact same as the chain drug store, except that the names are backwards!

9. Another clue: the medicine was prescribed for the person two weeks ago, which removes all doubt that he had just purchased it and left it on the pharmacy’s counter, even if he had just come into that pharmacy precisely from the other where he’d bought it at.

10. Concerning the supermarket: Why would a customer hand the medicine bottle to either the cashier or the bag boy to put it in “their bag”, supposing that this customer also had a bag kept there while doing his groceries, when he could easily have put it in any of his pockets?

What do you find most odd or intriguing out of all this? And any ideas are welcome!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Older motorists 'not good judges' of driving ability

Older motorists ‘not good judges’ of driving ability
A new study has found older drivers tend to overestimate their driving ability and are generally overconfident.

Read more on Australian Broadcasting Corporation

150 reasons to love Canterbury

150 reasons to love Canterbury
The Press

Read more on The Press

Where can I find excellent cheap home rentals in around San Diego areas in the best areas and how much, help?

I am thinking of moving to California, preferrably San Diego because I hear the weather is great year around there, but I also heard that it is too expensive to live in San Diego. I have never been to California so I don’t know any of the areas there but again I have heard all my life that San Diego has the best weather. You see right now I live in Phoenix Arizona where 6 months of the year it is blazing hot and I hate it. I am originally from New York where the weather was terrible but everything was conveniently located and you didn’t even need a car to get around. In Arizona you need a car to get around to anywhere. Everything isn’t within walking distance and you can’t walk in Arizona. It is just too hot. Anyways that is why I was thinking of moving to San Diego. I prefer where all the shopping and stores are within walking distance. Is it possible to live without a car in San Diego or any other part around San Diego or is a car absolutely necessary in San Diego. You see I don’t drive. I hate driving. How is the public transportation in San Diego? Now if San Diego is expensive, what other areas in or around San Diego is cheaper but have the same weather as San Diego. I love states where it is mostly sunny all the time but not in Arizona where the Sun is too hot. Which areas of San Diego are the best and safest areas with the cheapest rents and how much would that be and for how many bedrooms. Also I prefer spacious houses and also I prefer newer build homes or apartments. I hate houses or homes with stairs because in Arizona most of the houses are one level. Are there areas in San Diego where lets say the supermarkets and shops are within walking distance to one’s home? Which areas would that be? I am not so much into being close to the oceans as in Arizona there are no oceans and I don’t mind, but it is very important that the areas in San Diego be crime free safe and loaded with shops close by. Another bad thing about Arizona is that everything closes by 9 pm. That is too early. Are there areas in San Diego where the shops stay open longer. That is what I love about Vegas but Vegas is hot in the summer too. Let me know all the details. Thanks

where can i buy my milk so that the farmer gets paid fairly.?

I am aware that farmers are generally making a loss for each litre of milk sold in the uk.
the fault lies with the supermarkets selling milk so cheap.
I would like to pay more for my milk i order to ensure that our farmers are not going out of business.
but i don’t want to pay more for milk and have my money lining the pockets of business men.
I want to support the dairy industry so where can i buy my milk in order to do that?
please note, I have no car so I am limited to shops that will be in most large towns.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

whats the name of the site that is like a supermarket for insurance morgages and cars?

Why is there still so much sexism against women in 2010?

I cannot believe it is 2010 and there is STILL sexism against, now so more than ever. And ladies, it is OUR fault. Please STOP acting so desperate and taking abuse from men! I am not insecure nor am i a prude. I love sex in all its forms. When people are single i have no problem with most of these things. But it is the men in relationships, the new breed of man that wants to be comitted but still “free”.

In relationships, don’t act like your man looking at porn, going out ALLL night to clubs getting drunk dancing and flirting, ogling girls in your face, sweating girls at their job, going to strip clubs, peeing on the street, talking to exes, asking women to show their **** is not WRONG! I See so many stupid women everyday saying these things and in the next breath saying but he really loves me and at least hes not cheating?!

AND don’t egg him on even more to look like the totally cool girl who won’t complain about anything and supports his playa lifestyle. I have seen girls take their man to scores, point out hot bodies on the street and laugh when their man flirts in their face….wtf?!

Not only that…what is wrong with society? what are we teaching the young children? I went to see a magic one day, while maybe 2 acts were decent, the whole show was based on women in bikinis, their asses hanging OUT of the bikini, strip-dancing around poles! And this show had a lot of children there since it said “magic for all ages”….

Look in hotels..and what do you see..women with v necks down to their stomachs, serving drinks. topless car washes. strip clubs in FAMILY neighborhoods. Movies will not do well if they dont have a topless girl or two or a lesbian scene. Hooters, bars that only hire big breasted women in size xxx small tank tops….therefore, every woman tries to dress like a whore whether she is going to work, going dancing, going to the park, supermarket, etc. There is almost no other choice if you want to compete.

What am I getting at? Ladies, stop degrading yourselves and taking these jobs! There are plenty of other jobs where you will make just as much if not MORE money. AND where are the advertisements for guys gone wild? where are the issues of maxim for women with naked guys with a dot over their penis? where is a Hooters for women called coconuts or something? Why can’t I go to a show and have a woman magician with hot scantily clad men? why doesnt the movie industry portray nudity in men just as much as they do in women?

WHY..because it is a mans world. Because men will just call us crazy and psycho and insecure. and we will just go along like sheep, doing what men tell us we are suppossed to do. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELVES. DONT PUT UP WITH ANY MORE CRAP. CALL OUT MEN ON THEIR ****. AND DONT STAY WITH A MAN WHO IS A WOMANIZING TRIFLING SELFISH DIXK CENTERED PRICK

Hostel in downtown Amsterdam, cheap, and close to transports?


I plan to move to Amsterdam soon. The plan will be to stay at a hostel for a bit while looking for an apartment and a job.

My question is : what would be the most appropriate hostel in Amsterdam for me? It would have to be more or less downtown, not too far from supermarkets and such, and accessible through public transports.
To sum it up, it would have to be perfectly located in order to look for a job and an apartment without having to have a car, etc.

Does someone know such a place? Or maybe someone knows about some other sort of cheap places to stay in this situation?

Thanks for your help.

Kalmar Sweden?

I have just moved to Sweden, from UK. I find it very hard to make personal contact with anyone – they look away to avoid eye contact and the general everyday friendliness is just not here. It’s not a racial thing – I look more Swedish than alot of Swedes.

If someone bumps into you, they ignore you; if you give way to someone in the car they don’t acknowlege you; if my 3 year old speaks to someone at the supermarket they pretend they can’t see/hear him.

All the Swede’s I know are great – but it’s difficult to get to know them. The hostility of the general public is really getting me down – has anyone else experienced it? And does anyone have any tips on how to cope with it?

LionA – I have just read in a previous Answer that you used to live here? And your English speaking boyfriend felt isolated? I would love to talk to you about it

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week Ahead: M&S, De La Rue, Entertainment One

Week Ahead: M&S, De La Rue, Entertainment One
Next Tuesday could see a bit of good news for the beleaguered UK High Street, as the bellwether of the retail sector, Marks and Spencer, is expected to issue a solid set of full year figures.

Read more on Sharecast Finance News via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance

Mother and Child parking spaces. Do you hate them too?

I know I’m going to get flamed for this, but I just cant help parking in the M&C supermarket parking spaces. Does anyone else see them as blatant pandering to a pressure group (‘mothers with kids’) that is putting everyone else out?

Supermarkets are required by law to provide disabled parking, yet even that is being sited further and further away from the main entrance, so that mummy and her big 4*4 can park badly in a lorry sized area.

I wouldn’t care a hoot if the M&C spaces were at the back of the car park, because I can see that there is a need for them to prevent kids opening doors on neighboring cars. They’re not at the back though, are they? They’re right at the front like royalty.

Its happening more and more in the UK – jobsworths looking for excuses to give some poor disadvantaged group preferential treatment. Yeah right. I’ve never ever parked in a disabled spot, and agree with the need for them 100%. What fool decided to give M&C the same privileges though?

Why are we STILL in a man's world in 2008??

I cannot believe it is 2007 and it is STILL a man’s world, now so more than ever. And ladies, it is OUR fault. Please STOP acting so desperate and taking abuse from men! I am not insecure nor am i a prude. I love sex in all its forms. When people are single i have no problem with most of these things. But it is the men in relationships, the new breed of man that wants to be comitted but still “free”.

In relationships, don’t act like your man looking at porn, going out ALLL night to clubs getting drunk dancing and flirting, ogling girls in your face, sweating girls at their job, going to strip clubs, peeing on the street, talking to exes, asking women to show their **** is not WRONG! I See so many stupid women everyday saying these things and in the next breath saying but he really loves me and at least hes not cheating?!

AND don’t egg him on even more to look like the totally cool girl who won’t complain about anything and supports his playa lifestyle. I have seen girls take their man to scores, point out hot bodies on the street and laugh when their man flirts in t heir face….wtf?!

Not only that…what is wrong with society? what are we teaching the young children? I went to see a magic show the other day, while maybe 2 acts were decent, the whole show was based on women in bikinis, their asses hanging OUT of the bikini, strip-dancing around poles! And this show had a lot of children there since it said “magic for all ages”….

Look in hotels..and what do you see..women with v necks down to their stomachs, serving drinks. topless car washes. strip clubs in FAMILY neighborhoods. Movies will not do well if they dont have a topless girl or two or a lesbian scene. Hooters, bars that only hire big breasted women in size xxx small tank tops….therefore, every woman tries to dress like a whore whether she is going to work, going dancing, going to the park, supermarket, etc. There is almost no other choice if you want to compete.

What am I getting at? Ladies, stop degrading yourselves and taking these jobs! There are plenty of other jobs wehre you will make just as much if not MORE money. AND where are the advertisements for guys gone wild? where are the issues of maxim for women with naked guys with a dot over their penis? where is a hooters for women called coconuts or something? Why cant I go to a show and have a woman magicvian with hot scantily clad men? why doesnt the movie industry portray nudity in men just as much as they do in women?

WHY..because it is a mans world. Because men will just call us crazy and psycho and insecure. and we will just go along like sheep, doing what men tell us we are suppossed to do. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELVES. DONT PUT UP WITH ANY MORE CRAP. CALL OUT MEN ON THEIR ****. AND DONT STAY WITH A MAN WHO IS A WOMANIZING TRIFLING SELFISH DIXK CENTERED PRICK
and i bet u ladies tht many men r gonna say im insecure but thts a bunch of bs cuz men u know u do this yet u think we’re insecure…if it wasnt true id understand if men wud say tht but when they know they do this tht is hypocritical!

this isnt my question & no im not lyk this b/c ive been scared by a guy (tho i know men personally and know girls who hav been & any smart person on the planet know men r this way!)….& u hav 2 agree w/ tht ladies….especailly the ones who have been told they’re insecure when they know the guy did something

In need of advice please! Dealing with a negative BF!?

Hi! My boyfriend had turned into a negative, pessimistic and greedy person. Too much to handle huh?
I think noone ever gets to know anybody. We’ve been together for almost 3 years now. Suddenly he feels the urge to get a new car (his bff is getting a brand new one). I think it’s so childish to do somethin only because ur friend is. C’mon! He neither wants to hear you say anything about it. He’s the type of stubborn person that won’t let go until he has finally hit his head against the HUGE WALL.
I’ve showed my disinterest but he’s still looking into it. He has no need to get it.. he lives 5 blocks away from his job! Moving on… he now wants to apply to a new job cause he’s tired of getting the same money he does now. He has no education or complementary studies. He works at a supermarket now as a manager ( my parents own it). It’s not quite as big as those huge supermarkets u see around town. So he feels he has no future and wants to appy in a ”better” chain of sm. As what? they would never hire him as a manager cause he has no formation for it. Plus he hasn’t told my parents, his bosses, that he’s planning on looking for a new job.

I want him to be succesful and happy but by what terms? And why doesn’t he value what he has? Am I being to hard or do I have a point here? I’m really frustrated and stressed since all this has affected our relationship.

Got any useful advice please?? Thank u so much if you do so! XoXo

Road bumps, what a nightmare?

Is anyone else in the UK, really fed up with the amount of speed bumps on our roads, they are everywhere near where i live, if i go to the supermarket they are on nearly every road on the way there, and the other day i noticed a piece of something or other poking from underneath my front bumper, and it was a piece of the underbelly of my car, which had been scraping against the badly designed road bumps in my area, do you ever go over a road bump and feel the bottom of you car scrape slightly, this is what caused me to complain to the local council, ive since had my car fixed, but the BUMPS are not fixed, surely there is a better way to deal with boy racers, im not a boy racer so punishing everyone for those people who do speed can’t be the answer.

so im never on the motorway, but i would love it if there was one straight to my local supermarket, i would never dream of buying a new car, just to ruin it on all the bumps in my area, my current car is now a squeeky damaged car.

Help me..... I'm confused.com?

my bank keeps trying to sell me car insurance….. I’m confused.com…. also, my supermarket says that they can get me cheaper car insurance, I’m confused.com.

I’m so confused.com about all of this, what should I do?

The Village That Didn't Cut Anything (because there was nothing to cut): Are people REALLY more worried about squeezed ...

The Village That Didn’t Cut Anything (because there was nothing to cut): Are people REALLY more worried about squeezed …
In The Street That Cut Everything, Nick Robinson persuaded the inhabitants of a street in Preston to do without council services for six weeks.

Read more on Daily Mail

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The diary of an American?

My name is Michael Dawn.I live in the USA – the sun and the Earth go round this country.Recently I even wrote an essay on this topic and I got an A.
Today I got up early.First thing in the morning I weighed myself.Great!I’ve lost 0.44 pounds!And now I’m only 320 pounds!Only a month ago I was 322 pounds!But dad said that if I didn’t lose some weight girls wouldn’t want to date me.Actually I prefer boys – dating girls is so outdated!
Then I had a dietary breakfast – oats with non-fat milk and two jam toasts.I rounded it off with a slight dessert of two double hamburgers.I enjoyed the breakfast – me and my father had a farting competetion.I won.Now the old man owes me 5 bucks.If he doesn’t pay off tonight I will go to law with him!
My school is very far away from home – 500 metres.Good thing I have a car.That’s why I managed to arrive only in an hour – the traffic jam was short.Lessons were boring.For example the history teacher was saying some bullshit that America was found by someone named Columbus.How do they hire such people for teachers at all!?Elementary logic speaks that America was found by us – the Americans.That’s why it’s called America.The geography lesson was more interesting – how many interesting things happen on earth!The teacher said that there is a country called Africa.In its capital-Egypt-there are triangular skyscrapers and evil Russian mummies live in them.And why won’t these Russians leave us alone anywhere?Yesterday I was on a party at Lesley’s.We were about 40 people.My friend Jim pinched 2 bottles of beer from his father.All of us got so drunk that we vomited everywhere around the swimming pool.oday is a day off.I wanted to sleep a little longer but my father made me play baseball with him in the front yard.It was boring in the beginning but I took to it in a while.It’s so absorbing – 3 hours throwing a ball to each-other in the space of three meters.Amazing sport and highly intellectual too!
After lunch dad made me watch the appeal of president Bush on TV.We had a great time eating pop-corn and listening to the president.He spoke about how important it is for America to bombard all the others because otherwise all those primitive people won’t understand what happiness our country brings to them.I never understood why these fools get so outraged when we bombard them – anyway they will never feel the taste of Coca-Cola and hamburgers,so they will never build democracy.God bless America – the country which is ready to make everyone happy.If someone doesn’t want to be happy we can always persuade him.Long after Bush’s appeal me and my whole family were singing the national anthem of America and crying,realizing our own majesty and understanding the heavenly mission given us from God.
At dinner me and dad had a farting competition again.The dog won.It was so loud that all the neighbours hid in their cellars shouting “The Russians are coming!”.When we made them come out it was already dark.Good thing I told them that tomorrow in the nearby supermarket there is a bargain-sale and you can buy electrical navel-cleaners 10% cheaper.They went out immediately…
15 april
That’s it,I took a decision – I’m becoming a geographer!I want to study the wonderful science of geometry!Today we had a remarkable lesson!The teacher was speaking about the far away country called Russia.I knew a lot about this wild country anyway.For instance everybody knows perfectly well that Russians are hybrids between people and bears,they eat alcohol and birch-branches,they live in deep holes in the taiga and on holidays they set the Kremlin on fire and dance kasatchok around it.After the lesson I probably know about Russia even more than its natives do.In that country there are American resources of petroleum and gas.Whenever we need them we can go there and get them.Besides in Russia there are sites of caviar and also mines of Vodka and pelmeni.Russians waste these natural resources in a barbarous way:they eat and drink them at expense of the future american generations.A true empire of the evil!
After school I went to my psychoanalist.I visit him twice a week.He gives me advices and teaches me how to live.Today he taught me how to flush the toilet.I’ve always wondered why our toilet stinks like this.I must show this to my folks – they will be so surprised when they see…
In the evening I played tetris.A killing action!

Maserati Quattroporte review

Maserati Quattroporte review
Allow me to let you in on a little-known secret. It’s not how fast your car will go that gets you the admiring glances and the most beautiful people in your passenger seat – it’s what it looks like when it’s crawling along at or below street speeds.

Read more on CARkeys

How green are supermarkets/malls?

In the UK, solely counting the major supermarkets we have over a thousand, visited by on average 300 cars per day = 300,000 trips at an average of 7 miles per trip = 2,100,000 miles per day, at 30 miles per gallon average = 70,000 gallons per day. These are conservative estimates. What about the world supermarkets. Also isn’t it about time that some countries stopped building houses solely from wood.
Some seem to have missed the point. how can it depend on the supermarkets and lighting when I was talking about the amount of fuel that is used in a single day in order just to get there and back to the market. I ijncluded gas guzzlers etc by giving an average. The fule consumption of the world given these scenarios is colossal.

Monday, May 23, 2011

is this weird to think about at 14?

I want to be married! I think it would be some much fun it would be like a game of real life house and I would marry my crush because he is 17 he has a car and a job so then we can pay for our apartment and of course we will still go to school. And then when I graduate we could have a baby. I think I rather be married at a young age then wait till I’m like 20 or 30. because I still want to young when my kids get out of high school. And plus since there is a supermarket that hires 14 and 15 year old kids so I could get a job there. My mom tells me I’m really domesticated so that’s why I always want to rush the adult things like marriage and having kids and thinking about 24/7. But is this weird to think about at 14?

The Black Widower: Malcolm Webster's wife reveals her escape from certain death

The Black Widower: Malcolm Webster’s wife reveals her escape from certain death
EXCLUSIVE: THE surviving wife of conman killer Malcolm Webster yesterday relived the terrifying moments when he tried to burn her alive in a deserted forest.

Read more on Daily Record

i might be moving to new york from los angeles, anyone had to make that a big of a move? please share experien

ive visited new york once in december, i have friends who are in boston, id move there for work, the pay is better, but i just want general information about getting around new york, everything from the ATM, supermarket, cheap food, laundry, is it easy to get around.. what are the pros and cons, and by the way ill be living in brooklyn and i have a company car and im okay with spending a certain amount on rent, but what about everything else?

why cant i smoke cannabis in the uk legally?

I cant deal with life, i just give you a few points that ive been though, as a kid my mother was always trying to kill herself , i would come home from school find her at home after cutting her wrists, until 4 yrs ago she did manage to take her life by jumping from top of multi storie car park, my wife ran off with my best friend ,leaveing me to bring up my 3 now teenagers, been 8yrs now, if im honest i dont like people, i do have friends but i always pick holes in them once they have left, thats when i can be bothered to see them , ,i guess im classed as a voilent person as ive been to prison a few times for hurting people,4yrs for one offence ,ive seen shrinks an doctors ,they give me citalopram to help me, but they dont , one a day is what im ment to take, i take two, this turns me into a zombie an i cant be like that as nothink would ever get done, yet i can cope very easy when on cannabis, i can work deal with people an most of all be happy, i know theres lots of people out there been though lots more than i have . they dont need drugs or cannabis but i guess its how strong a person you really are, an i am week i guess, i take cannabis to get though the day not for fun , its the only thing that get me though my day, if i dont have it i snap so very easy, a quick eg is, i grabed the cashier by the neck at the local supermarket because he told me i couldnt have any more plastic bags to put my shopping in ,i was the lucky one that day as he gave me more bags with out any fuss,, had he of been rude or tried to push me of him i would of hurt him , i have been like this all my life, but since ive taken cannabis life is so much better, the pills i get from doctors either dont work or put me to sleep , cannabis is just right , not to high an no lows ,so why is it i cant buy or grow my own cannabis,im sure im not the only person like this,

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Your 2 Cents (Week of May 16)

Your 2 Cents (Week of May 16)
Robert from Norristown

Read more on The Times Herald

What UK television advert do you hate the most?

Two issues.
For most of us I guess its got to be that horrible annoying “Go Compare” advert I mean its been going on since last August as if Go Compare haven’t got the message that no one likes it.
I also hate the “We buy any car advert” its just so annoying! I turn off the sound when either them comes on.
I wish those two were banned ASAP!

Secondly on my day off I watched daytime TV and lost count of the number of adverts advertising funerals and what to do when you die etc as well as umpteen insurance adverts. I mean do TV adverts have to be so down right miserable?

Why can’t we have cheerful adverts like the Coca Cola advert or fun adverts, does annoyone remember the ‘carling label’ advert in the 1980s with the cowboys in the supermarket?

Why have adverts got to be either so miserable or annoying.
Any ideas? Personally I can’t stand the TV adverts of today.
I agree with @Vix
Sheilas wheels is horrible, but some how the “lets face music and dance, life insurance” did not seem as miserable as the afternoon death adverts people have forced on them. Maybe back in the 1990s we did not have so many miserable ads!

How High Gas Prices Are Changing Consumer Behavior—and Why So Little Seems to Change in the Long Run

How High Gas Prices Are Changing Consumer Behavior—and Why So Little Seems to Change in the Long Run
Most Americans say high gas prices are hurting their families financially, and that they’ve made some lifestyle changes—altering vacation plans, fewer trips to the supermarket—to compensate. But are we finally reaching the point when the majority of people will make major changes by broadly adopting more fuel-efficient cars and moving to cities to be closer [...]

Read more on It’s Your Money

A Red Bull prepares for war once again - and so does his family

A Red Bull prepares for war once again – and so does his family
At 6 feet 3-3/4, George Jensen is likely the biggest guy in his battalion, but he drives the smallest car – an ironically named Honda Fit. On the balance, he gets a lot of respect: As first sergeant of a field artillery battery within the Minnesota National Guard’s 34th “Red Bulls” Infantry, it’s his job to do all the yelling.

Read more on Pioneer Press

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This is a question for Americans living in the UK?

I have always been curious about why Americans choose to come and live in the UK what made you want to come and live here. What are your favourite parts of living here? What do you think of our culture way of life? What do you think of tv shows like the BBC/ITV cable and Satellite tv our radio stations. What were your first reactions to driving on the wrong side of the road wrong side of the car learning whole new set highway codes trying to navigate roundabouts in large cities.
Do you think the UK is becoming more Americanised by adopting American franchises like Subway, Footlocker, The Gap, H&M, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut etc we watch a lot of American tv shows like Bones and others shows.
I love America have been there several times I especially love Florida where the sunshine is and am planning my next holiday (vacation) to the sunshine state never been to Miami only ever been to Orlando which I would love to live. I know an American living in Edinburgh (well he’s s colleague and don’t really know him) but I asked him what made him move here and he said his wife is Scottish and he decided he wanted to live here. I would love to hear what Americans think about living here in the UK what they like best about this country I read somewhere that there is about 200,000 Americans living and working in the UK some permanently some temporarily on student visas or short term work permits for a year or two. last question what do you think of our supermarkets (grocery stores) like Tescos, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Waitrose are they like anyother grocery stores in the States like Publix or Wal-mart.
oh damn sorry I put this question in the wrong section how do I post this question again without having to type it again?

how to get many HP for cheap ! !?

i know many people will see this but the true is…
the way to get HP for free is…. go to another near town and look for the car you want, with all upgrades you always dream and then go and stole it ! ! that is the only way you will get a nice HP gain with no spend $$ at all
people asking over and over the same question is boring and other kind of question are…
i want my mazda 3 turbo, list the parts i need plz
mechanic isnt like to go to the supermarket and buy cookies and coffee unless there is an aftermarket bolt on applycation you have to buy part separately and denpend on what you like and HP you want to so dont be so damn retarded asking that bull*&*% again
and then the retarded answering guys, yes buy this or buy that, rookies you dont know nothing so stop guessing
if you want a turbo but no kit is bolt on for your car then you have to frabricate your own parts, cut, add and stuff ! ! ! THAT IS WHY YOU CANT LIST PARTS
so feel free to post any coment ill not aflager

Ford Fiesta (UK Question) 1998 reg (S) Brakes problem?


I bought my first car 2 weeks ago and have only been able to drive it a handful of times. The first day i got it, it wouldn’t accelerate (Felt as if i was in the wrong gear – which i wasn’t) and wouldn’t shift. however, when i got it home the brakes were smoking.
I spoke to a friend who is a mechanic, and he thought it would be the brake pads/disc’s as when we bought it, the guy said it had been sat on his drive doing nothing for 2-3 months. so he replaced these for me. The car was fine again however, after trying to accelerate (say if i come off a roundabout and try to go from 2nd – 3rd gear) the brakes felt locked. He then replaced the calipers because it was clearly smoking after running for a while.
I am still having the same problems, even though these parts have been replaced – and its really getting me down. I bought a haynes manual, it says something about the master cylinder, do you think this could be the cause of these problems? Has anyone else experienced anything similiar? I know its an oldish car but i didnt expect this much hassle from my first car and it feels like i am throwing money at a lost cause! My fella and I nipped to the supermarket in it, and ended up having to pull up for an hour and a half, because the brakes were that tight, it couldn’t move. Even if we had the handbrake off , it wouldnt budge – Does anyone have any ideas – I am taking it to the garage but wanted to know what to expect!
Thank you xx

Syracuse IDA approves tax exemptions worth about $572,000 for Valley Plaza

Syracuse IDA approves tax exemptions worth about $572,000 for Valley Plaza
Michelle Gabel/The Post-StandardA former P&C grocery store sits vacant in Valley Plaza in Syracuse. The Syracuse Industrial Development Agency approved tax exemptions on May 17, 2011 to persuade Tops Markets to open a supermarket in the plaza on South Salina…

Read more on The Post-Standard

I'm doing a Car Wash for charity (voluntary service overseas - VSO). Any tips?

I’ve decided to contact local supermarkets and ask if i can use their car parks to hold and promote my car wash for charity! I’m also going to ask if i can use their water sources as otherwise it’s impossible.

Does anyone have any tips on what to charge (or what you’d be willing to pay as I’m thinking between £3-5 per car or more for inside cleaning or waxing), what supermarkets/areas and when are best (in the UK), how to convince my friends to help (i’m already offering snacks and free lunch!), how to set it up (as none of my friends have a license to drive) etc.

Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ride the voucher code revolution

Ride the voucher code revolution
Coupons and cashback deals can save you significant sums of money.

Read more on Daily Telegraph

UP 1-Ageas gets Asia life insurance boost in Q1

UPDATE 1-Ageas gets Asia life insurance boost in Q1
* Insurance business beats Q1 expectations boosted by Asia * Belgian insurance net profit broadly in line * Group makes Q1 net loss due to legacy Fortis items * Repeats forecast of an improved insurance …

Read more on Reuters UK Focus via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance

Whats the easiest way to slaughter a cow?

I recently bought a cow from a farmer for $50, its much cheaper than buying meat from a supermarket or butcher, now the farmer tells me that I have to kill the cow myself before I can take it off the farm.

I am a bit of a crybaby when it comes to blood and guts and such, so I want to do it as easily as possible. The farmer offered me the use of his gun or anything out of his toolshed, but i declined, its just too brutal.

What I was thinking of is gassing the cow from my car exhaust, putting it in a room and suffocating it with carbon monoxide. I have heard its a pleasant way to die, if pleasant is the right word. At least it isnt as bad as anything the farmer is offering.

Are there any other easy ways to kill the cow?

Will the carbon monoxide ruin the meat?
i dont know where you are from, but round these parts $50 bucks a cow is standard, not everyone lives in the usa, try looking at the globe once in a while

why not recylce plastics?

I am reading a magzine article about bioplastics. the picture shows a mountain of soda and water bottels etc etc and talks about some garbage island of plastic floatin in the pacific. Why cant all this plastic be put into boilers and heated until it melts. I am not saying to burn it just melt it until it becomes a slurry again. Then reuse it in stuff that does not come in contact with the mouth if there are FDA problems. Make things like those Tshirt baqgs from the supermarket or trash bags or make the hard brittle plastic they shrink wrap everything in and slices your fingers off trying to get it open.
They can make all the plastic junk parts on a cheap car from this stuff. I am not a rocket scientist so dont know why industry does not do this already. There has to be a reason they dont, any one know why?

18, needs car insurance for ANYTHING please help ?

OK ah cant take anymore of this…
i’m 18 have had a license for 3 months now and live in the UK jarrow, tyne and Wear…
All i want is a shit little car.
But the insurance is fukin ridiculus
no matter what i do a car costing £300 insurance will still be £5000 – £6000
doesn’t matter if the engine is the size of a vacuume cleaner motor it jus wont go down.
PLEASE somebody find me a car that isn’t over £2000 that the insurance wont be beyond a joke. Been at this for over a week now and cant find anything. gocompare money supermarket direct line aviva. even put my mother as the main driver of the car with me as additional driver and still £5000 – £6000. Even insurance fraud is expensive PLEASE help me

Skala, Kefalonia?

I’m going to Skala on a budget, and was wondering if there are any supermarkets or eateries where I can buy affordable food? Also, what can I expect to find in the town/village? Will I be able to book tours to surrounding areas or hire a car? What is driving in Greece like? I am under 25 so will I have to pay a supplement?
Yes, same island where they made Captain Corelli.

Motorhome Holiday: is this a "green holiday" ?

I am wondering what people’s opinions are on this: My family consists of two adults and a 4 year old girl. We are thinking about a motorhome holiday beginning in the UK and touring around France and Spain. Our estimated mileage is about 1800 miles. We are intending to hire a motorhome from www.motorhomesdirect.co.uk picking it up in Hertfordshire, UK and then taking a Dover Calais ferry with Sealink. We are hoping to hire something like a Hymer Motorhome with a 2.8l turbo diesel engine. Whilst away we use local shops not supermarkets and we always eat and drink local produce. Alternatively we have an option to fly to Lanzarote in the Canary Islands (from Luton Airport), where I would probably rent a car. In each case the holiday will last 3 weeks. We are more concerned than ever about our carbon footprint, but we do love our holidays. We work very hard during the winter and always feel like we need a holiday. So do you think the motorhome holiday is a greener option?

I live in CA, I own a car, but I NEVER drive it (not even to work). Do I still need to get car insurance?

I found a job that’s within 5 minutes walking distance from my home, so I NEVER have to drive my car anywhere because the supermarket and electronic stores are just around the corner as well. Is there any way I can declare to the DMV that I don’t drive my car, so I would not have to buy car insurance? Like as if I don’t even have a car.

Is anyone else tired of Tesco and Asda adverts?

Tesco’s keep telling me that they have 9 billion products cheaper than Asda. Okay Tesco, fair play, but then Asda just told me they also have 9 billion products cheaper?

I don’t give a crap!! Theres not even an Asda by where I live!!! People just go to whatever supermarket their car turns up at. Why do they keep producing these really annoying adverts??

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Going to Disney Orlando in May 2011 any money saving tips? where to stay? what to eat?

Hi me and boyfriend are looking to go to Disney in May 2011.
We will both be 21, so as far as i know we wont be able to hire a car since we are from the UK?
So what is the best thing to do?
Is it very expensive to stay/shop/eat if we stay within Disney?
Is staying in disney hotels our only option if we dont have transport? or could we stay on international drive?
Without a car will we be able to get to supermarkets and malls?
Can we cook in or will we have to eat out?

What is the cheapest places to stay that are still nice?
Where should we buy our park tickets?

Any tips you can give us would be brilliant!


Dont you admire Arabs respect for non Arab Muslim women?

Part of this local culture consisted of public institutions being segregated and women banned from driving on the grounds that it would give rise to "licentiousness". I was repeatedly astounded at the stares Faye got from Saudi men and I from Saudi women.

Faye was not immodest in her dress. Out of respect for local custom, she wore the long black abaya and covered her hair in a black scarf. In all the years I had known my wife, never had I seen her appear so dull. Yet on two occasions she was accosted by passing Saudi youths from their cars. On another occasion a man pulled up beside our car and offered her his phone number.

In supermarkets I only had to be away from Faye for five minutes and Saudi men would hiss or whisper obscenities as they walked past. When Faye discussed her experiences with local women at the British Council they said: "Welcome to Saudi Arabia."


After a month in Jeddah I heard from an Asian taxi driver about a Filipino worker who had brought his new bride to live with him in Jeddah. After visiting the Balad shopping district the couple caught a taxi home. Some way through their journey the Saudi driver complained that the car was not working properly and perhaps the man could help push it. The passenger obliged. Within seconds the Saudi driver had sped off with the man's wife in his car and, months later, there was still no clue as to her whereabouts.
We had heard stories of the abduction of women from taxis by sex-deprived Saudi youths. At a Saudi friend's wedding at a luxurious hotel in Jeddah, women dared not step out of their hotel rooms and walk to the banqueting hall for fear of abduction by the bodyguards of a Saudi prince who also happened to be staying there.
Im sorry Hello
Youre a girl right?

How about we meet up for some mutaa?
Ill marry you for 5 hours

I had a really strange dream any idea what this means?

These three things happened all in the same dream….
1) Aldi’s burnt down; for those of you who don’t know what Aldi’s is it is a super cheap supermarket.
2) Some girl stole my car (I had just bought a new one) but my mom and I found out who it was and went to her. Turns out she had stole like 6 different cars and I couldn’t remember which one was mine. so i was standing there with all of these titles/registration and a little sales receipt trying to figure out which car was mine.
3) After all of that. I found out that someone had hacked into my checking account and stole all but $20.

Any idea what all of this mishap means?!
Thanks Ms. Bossy all of those things hit the nail on the head!! Thanks so much for making it clear for me!

Probe into beheading of UK woman

Probe into beheading of UK woman
The Foreign Office is helping the family of a woman who was beheaded in a shop in Tenerife in what officials say appears to be a random attack.

Read more on BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat

This about LUNG CANCER: did you ever think about this?


About half a year ago I came upon an internet article in which it explained how surgeons in Massachussetts had discovered the benefit of sunlight in many lung cancer patients just before surgery; that they had better results altogether.

Also for years I’ve been wondering how and why there seems to be much more cancer among certain peoples, for example people here in the U.S.

I’ve always had suspicions that the kind of life lived here and in many similar countries, in which 99% of activities are done inside home, workplaces, supermarkets, automobiles, etc., could not be healthy at all.

There were the “jogging” fads, followed by yoga, by tai chi, and finally by the “gym”_ending up again in a confined space!!!

Compare this to the “all natural” life-style of lets say Mexico, Africa, South America, etc. They don’t live in their cars, huge supermarkets, etc. They WALK to shops and vending places like open markets, etc.

British woman beheaded in Tenerife with machete

British woman beheaded in Tenerife with machete
The homeless Bulgarian (pictured) who decapitated a British woman in Tenerife yesterday thought he was ‘a prophet of god’, it emerged today.

Read more on Daily Mail

Monday, May 16, 2011

Can anyone tell me any car supermarket sites in the UK?

Looking to get a car but cant seem to find any good ones, if anyone knows of any can you please post them up here so i can have a look :) Thanks

My car insurance is due for renewal, who usually offers the most competitive price for a sports hot hatch?

26 with 4 years NCB on a 05 Civic Type R, getting prices of ~£1,000 with the `normal` insurance companies through Money Supermarket. I’m currently insured with Adrian Flux and paid ~£1,000 last year.

Man beheads British tourist in Spanish supermarket

Man beheads British tourist in Spanish supermarket
A man randomly attacked and beheaded a British woman in a supermarket on the Spanish resort island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands on Friday, officials said.

Read more on Stuff

are they crazy ? http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=336003&area=/wheels_deals/wheels_news/#?

Running your car on vegetable oil
Miles Brignall | London, United Kingdom
19 March 2008 10:00
In an effort to get around the big rise in oil prices, thousands of motorists have taken to running their cars on supermarket-bought vegetable oil and it’s all perfectly legal.

Two weeks ago here in the United Kingdom, the average price of a litre of diesel went though the £1 barrier again, prompting many drivers of older diesel cars to consider using shop-bought vegetable oil instead.

Plenty of owners of cars with older diesel engines can run their car on vegetable oil — either mixed in with ordinary diesel or, following some modifications, entirely on such oils. Users point out that Rudolf Diesel originally designed his engines to run on peanut oil. The only downside is the smell that comes out of the exhaust, which has been likened to a barbecue.

The use of this “alternative” fuel was given a big boost in Britain recently when the UK Treasury relaxed the rules on the taxation of home-m

Crazed knifeman decapitates British woman in busy Tenerife shopping centre and runs through the streets with her head

Crazed knifeman decapitates British woman in busy Tenerife shopping centre and runs through the streets with her head
A British woman was today decapitated by a madman with a machete on the holiday island of Tenerife. The crazed killer attacked the 62-year-old without uttering a word in a shopping centre in Los Cristianos, in Tenerife.

Read more on Daily Mail

Getting a job at 15 years old?

I am 15 and need to start making at LEAST $160 dollars per month. Please nobody say “wash cars” or “mow lawns”. I need a real job with a real paycheck. Does anyone know of what places hire at the age of 15? Like RiteAid or a supermarket? Thanks.

TFF gone, but these films not forgotten

TFF gone, but these films not forgotten
The Tribeca Film Festival may no longer be happening – but these films, which our reviewers approve of, will hopefully have a well-deserved theatrical run in 2011; or become available as Movies on Demand; or go direct to DVD. No matter what type of screen you find them on, they’re all worth looking for – and watching.

Read more on Gay City News

Buying A Car - This Is Scary?

Everyone has read stories about the mortgage crisis but it is minute in comparison to the corruption and unscrupulous actions that take place daily in every car dealership. I previously worked as a car salesman for over 10 years.

I would venture to say that 95% of car buyers are getting ripped-off for thousands of dollars. It is not uncommon for a dealership to net a profit as much as $15 THOUSAND dollars on a single car deal.

I am seriously thinking about writing an ebook to help consumers avoid being their next victim. I’ve done some research on the net and have found a few people that have done this. Although their sales page reads like a cheap tabloid you would see in a supermarket. I suspect their motives are no better than the car dealerships.

I could write a book of horror stories on the car industry longer then War & Peace. But, I simply want to arm consumers with knowledge. Consumers do need to know how dealerships pull off their scams in order to know what to look
Sounds like you are a car salesman.
Dealerships typically make 5-10% profit, most of the time lower thanks to the web.

Jay, wake up! you are the naive type of person dealerships make money on.

I’ve seen people on a daily basis that are anywhere from 5K to 20K upside down in their trade in. How do you think this happened?

It’s a vicious cycle, they were upside down in their previous trade, 3-6K dealer profit in used car, inflated finance charges, inflated service contracts. Wake up, it happens every day. Has nothing to do with me being a horrible car salesman.

Is Petrol from a BP garage of better quality than that from a supermarket garage like Tesco or Morrisons etc?

A friend of mine has recently bought a new car and says that she is only going to buy BP petrol from now on because she thinks the “cheaper” petrol from supermarket petrol stations is of an inferior quality and will eventually clog up the engine of the new car? Any Mechanics or Petrol experts out there please let me know if this is correct?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Britain's food decade

Britain’s food decade
On the 10th anniversary of Observer Food Monthly, we look back at a decade of changing views about food At the end of 1998, the Observer published one of those features that make newspapers a hostage to fortune. It predicted the unknowns who would be making headlines in the next decade. One name was picked out in each of 10 fields of the arts; looking back, the only second sight in evidence was …

Read more on Guardian Unlimited

Letters: The Iraq Dossier

Letters: The Iraq Dossier
In 2002 Major-General Laurie was one of the three most senior members of the Defence Intelligence Staff.

Read more on Independent

jobs for a 15 year old almost 16 in less than 5 months.?

Hiya.. i’m 15 yrs old and i’ll be 16 in november. i was wondering what kind of job i can get at a store or supermarket? what would hire me right now because i need to save up money for a car.. haha. and list the store w/ how much you get per hour thanks.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What should i wear for my first job interview?

haha its just for Publix. its kind of a lame job i know but its my first job and i’m only 15 so i couldnt really get hired anywhere else :/ (saving for a car :D ) anyway, what should i wear? its just a supermarket so i could probably just get buy with jeans and a top, but any other input would be good :)

Supermarket Car Insurance

Get a great deal by visiting our site www.moneyandme.co.uk

Is alberta the cheapest province in canada?

Is alberta the cheapest province in canada?
is it the cheapest for eating out, supermarkets, cars and petrol and basically every day living costs
also i heard it has the lowest taxes in canada due to it being quite a right wing part of canada?
and is it the same price as things in the us tend to be?
also out of interest which is the highest tax province in canda?

UK woman beheaded in Tenerife shop

UK woman beheaded in Tenerife shop
A British woman is beheaded in a shop in Spain’s Canary Islands in what officials say appears to be a random attack.

Read more on BBC News