Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My mom never listens to my side of the story?

My mom always yells at me because of things I do. Mainly its attitude but I only give people attitude if they deserve it. Obviously when I give attitude, my relatives tell my mom but they only tell her the part where i give them attitude, not when they give me attitude.
Lets start off with my uncle. He is married to my aunt (my dads sister) and my uncle does absolutely nothing. he just sits on the couch and reads newspapers and watches tv. he basically ruined my aunts life because she has to do everything. she has two kids and he doesn’t take care of them. The only reason i give him attitude is because he never seems to care about his children. He has lost his 1 1/2 year old daughter at wonderland once and also mexico and his 5 year old son at niagara falls. He never learns from his mistakes and he really doesnt seem to care about my aunt either. i tried being nice to him but he always talks behind my back telling my aunt things that are considered lies (he exaggerates a lot). for example one time he was dropping my friend off at his house and he didnt know the directions. so my friend tells him that his house is at the end of the road. my uncle drives and as the road bends, he slows down a lot, my friend and i tell him again that its okay to go farther cause his house is at the end of the road. he goes home and tells my aunt that i was very rude to him and giving him a lot of attitude. it doesnt make sense. another time my aunt gave me a ride to church and i left my laptop in her car. my aunt said that she would ttake me home that night so i could get my laptop back from her car. At the end of the day when my aunt was supposed to pick me up, my uncle comes in his car, so i say “i thought my aunt was picking me up” and then he goes and tells my mom that i was very rude but he didnt tell her the whole thing how my aunt said she would be there. my mom obviously got pissed at me nd was telling me if im ever that rude that she’ll take my phone away. my uncle is a little pussy and cant ever speak for himself. One time he was picking me up from school but he didnt even tell me he would (i planned on walking home that day because i had to finish up a project). he goes and tells my mom i made him wait 30 minutes but he never told her that he didnt even try calling me.
Also my aunts cousin is always taking advantage of my aunt. He never pays for anything and everytime we go out to eat its always my mom or my aunt or my grandma that has to pay because they never offer to pay. they always try to get my aunt to pay for their shit even though they are rich. one of the most ridicoulous things they did once was that they came over to our hosue for their daughters 1st birthday. They made my aunt (8 months pregnant at the time) go to the supermarket, buy about $150 worth of food and cook it for them. and then they just come to our house, eat and leave and dont even pay my aunt back. So they have done some more stuff like that and thats why im so angry at them cause they are so stingy and they are selfish. so i am just cold to them. like they would say hi and i would say hi back but not say anything more than that. i wouldnt start up a conversation with them and i just give them one word answers. and to be honest, i am just ashamed to be related to them. so anyways they tell my mom that i was rude and she got pissed. OH YEAH and one time we went into DOLLARAMA and they were too cheap to buy a $2 balloon for their child so they told me to pay for it and i did cause i was younger at that time. they didnt even say thank you or offer to pay meback. i know it was just $2 but its the principle of the matter. so basically a lot of my family members just talk behind my back but they never tell my mom about what they did to me to make me that way

please tell me what i should do because now my mom thinks i think of myself as queen of the castle when actually its not like that.

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