Sunday, June 5, 2011

I want to end my life.?

I really can’t help but feel I’m not wanted anymore in my life. My parents get really frustrated whenever I need their help (like when my car breaks down or something) and they really want me to find a full time job. I have looked (so please don’t say that I’m a bum, because I’m not) for a full time job and found no one hiring. Now I have two cavities that my parents want me to pay for and I can’t afford it right now as I’m trying to save my money as I can get it.

I have a younger brother and I feel like they treat him better because I always do work around the house, he doesn’t. When he needs help, my parents gladly help him out.

I know I shouldn’t kill myself but I’m tired of living and being in debt, l can’t afford a new car and can’t find a job because there practically are none. My parents can’t help me afford a better car and neither can I, plus my car breaks down a lot and I kinda live in the middle of nowhere. Walking to the nearest supermarket would take me approximately 3 hours to walk to.
IB Slave

I know I didn’t go much into that statement, thats not the only reason why I feel he’s treated better. They’re willing to help him out in college whereas they wanted me to find something else because I never did good on college acceptant tests. When I was in high school, my parents really wanted me to get a job so I can help them with the bills, even now they really want me to get a job so I can help them out since they are behind on some payments, but they don’t do that to my younger brother at all.

Yes, I am young, I am currently 19 years old and will be 20 in a few months and I live in Florida as well. I sorta do live in the country, I live in the uptown area, where there are 2 gas stations, 2 convenient stores and a flower/gift shop. I am lonely and stressed out, though I do have a lot of friends, I rarely ever get to hang out with any one and it seems a lot of my money just goes to nowhere because I pay car insurance and gas, which both take up a huge chunk.

I don’t even make that much money and can’t afford to trade in my car for something else because it was $1,100 when bought and now has a value of no more than a few hundred dollars.

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