Monday, August 1, 2011

Why are people so excited about Universal Health Care?

Do they do any research into it? Or are they excited because its going to be free?

Universal Health Care is like having Universal Grocery Insurance:

Suppose you had grocery insurance. With your Government paying 100% percent of the bill, you would fill the cart with lobster and filet mignon. Everything would cost more because supermarkets would stop running sales. Why should they, when their customers barely care about the price?

Suppose everyone had transportation insurance. The roads would be crowded with Mercedes. Why buy a Chevy if the government pays?

People have gotten so used to having “other” people pay for most of our health care that we routinely ask for insurance with low or no deductibles. This is another bad idea.

Suppose car insurance worked that way. Every time you got a little dent or the paint faded, or every time you buy gas or change the oil, you’d fill out endless forms and wait for reimbursement from your insurance company. Gas prices would quickly rise because service stations would know that you no longer care about the price. You’d become more wasteful: jackrabbit starts, speeding, wasting gas. Who cares? You are not paying any of the bill.

Now where do you think the Top Rated doctors in the world Practice? Imagine going to have a heart bypass (You have been on the waiting list for over 2 years now since its universal healthcare) and the surgeon performing the operation only took the MCAT test 8 times before he finally passed it, and barely passed his boards and internships, and best of all, since now its like DMV Service, your the 7th bypass he has done that day, and there are 2 more waiting behind you.

Why are people so excited about this idea? Isnt this why most of the people who have the opportunity to come to the US for treatment come here? Instead of using their own Universal Insurance in their country?

But, I guess *FREE* is the new slogan of today’s America.
Im going overboard?? And someone else says Its going to be more efficient?? Thats why THOUSANDS in England pull thier own teeth out because they cant take the pain and waiting 2 years to see a dentist…

Or the people in Canada who have a LOTTERY DRAWING to see who gets to see the doctor this month

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