Saturday, December 24, 2011

my bf only cares about getting the car he wants?

Ive been living with my bf for a year now, been together for 1 yr 8 months, and our salaries aren’t that great we both work in supermarkets, and it seems that all he cares about is buying some flash expensive car that normal people like us can’t afford to pay for and pay for insurance etc. He’s just told me that we are not going on the holiday we planned this year because he doesn’t have the car. We have a car, and it’s nothing special its just a car and it gets us from a to b and to me that is all that matters, but I feel like he cares more about getting a car then he does about our relationship, to cancel our holiday that we have been waiting for all last year as we never went away last year, he doesn’t call me to see how i am at work or to tell me he loves me, he calls me and starts talking about the car. I’m really at the end of my tether, I can’t handle anymore of listening to all this stuff about cars, about how we can afford it etc because I know we can’t afford it, we barely make it through each month as it is wanting to spend the money that we work our backsides off to earn every month, having to pay the rent, pay to feed ourselves and our kitten and he wants to spend the rest on paying off some stupid car. I love him but I don’t think I can stay in a relationship where buying a flash car is more important than the relationship itself. I don’t know what to do, what would you do?
its like my opinion doesnt even matter, he says everything he needs to say then i try to say what i think and he interrupts and tells me everything im saying is wrong, i really don’t know if i should carry on this relationship, why should i not be allowed to have my opinion and not go on holiday just because he wants what he wants and thats all that matters?

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