Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Am I allowed to keep my son If I file Custody until the custody battle is over?

I am 19 years old and have a 10 month old son. From the time he was born she was the primary caretaker because I go to school full time and I work part time at a supermarket. She has recently decided to take me for child support because she says, “I do not financially support him enough.” But whenever I had spare money left over from car insurance and my gas expenses which is about $50 a week by itself I would ask her if my son needed anything. Her reply was always the same, “no I have everything he needs.”

I am sick of having my son used as a weapon against me. I also plan to take her for full custody. I love my son with all my heart, and will not stand for being called “dead-beat” when I am the only one planning for his future. She has no license, no high school diploma, and no job. While I go to college full time, have my license, and work part time.

I cannot prove that her actual physical handling of my son is incorrect, but the environment in which he lives in unsuitable for a child his age, or any for that matter. She lives with her grandmother in a 1000 Sq ft. house with 12 people total (including my son and 4 other small children). Every adult in that house is a chronic alcoholic which has caused the cops to be called to that house over 30+ times just this past year stemming from violent incidents. Also when they have family picnics or get-togethers there is a man that comes there that is registered as a sex offender.

I love my son and I want the best for him. I will fight until my heart cant fight any longer, But I would like some educated advice on how my situation looks. Also if I do file custody can I keep him until the judge makes his ruling.

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