Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why is my mom changing?

So lately my mom has been changing and not in the good way. We use to be good friends but now she is annoying and kind of mean. She is always trying to pick a fight with someone and I think she is trying to break up with my dad. Sometimes she just comes in the house crying and yelling. At first I thought she was PMS’n then I was 100% sure it was menopause, considering she is turning 50. But it wasn’t just yelling and crying, she has turned to the racist/ prejudice side.

Last week, she was selling her old car and the guy wanted her to drop the price a couple hundred dollars. Anyways the guy bought the car but she keeps calling him a jew behind his back because he wanted it for a cheaper price. And when we are driving down the road and telling me about work she calls every black person in her story a “n*****”. And she curses in supermarkets, around kids with extremely inappropriate word like “big n***** di**” or “F***”. And she thinks she’s funny when she talks like that. I don’t even want to be around her anymore.

Also, I have told her I don’t want her to say those those derogatory words when I’m near her and that started a fight.

So whats going on in her head? Please help before she drives me off the wall!
@eldots53. She has no siblings, she has a mother (my grandma) and she never knew her dad.

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