Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rate these from least to most serious?

Rate these from least to most serious?
Rate them from 1-15

1. Catching your spouse with a lover and killing them both.
2. Stealing money or supplies from your employer.
3. Robbing a supermarket.
4. Forcibly raping a stranger in a park.
5. Selling liquor to minors.
6. Shooting a burglar in your home.
7. Talking on your cellphone while driving.
8. Soliciting a prostitute.
9. Hitting your child.
10. Selling drugs on the street.
11. Manufacturing and selling cars you know to have dangerous defects.
12. Beating your wife/girlfriend.
13. Being drunk in public.
14. Driving without any car insurance.
15. Cheating on your income tax.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What will be the insurance adjuster say about this accident?

I was buying groceries at a supermarket and was about to leave. As I was backing up, another car from me backed up also. The damages are not major and are very minor. I’m assuming he told his insurance company that I backed up to him first. My insurance representative said that an adjuster is going to give me a call tomorrow. What do you think the outcome of this incident will be? Will the insurance company make him pay for his damages and I pay for mine? I’m not asking to predict the future but mainly based off of information. I guess that since we were both backing up and hit each other, we will both be at fault. What do you guys think?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Good idea to make supermarket with english titles and help translate pleasse!?

Hello deer one! I from Egypt!
A smaller supermarket to happen my is to build near the airport of egypt more offside near a many hotel build! It is many people from not egypt to happen to visit the supermarkt! they ask much what it is to mean in english (the product/the information)
Is it good Idea to make english signs for help the tourist which is to visit the supermarket? because american don’t know how to be good in egypt supermarket!)
Iam to plan to put to ones under here. (Please do correct when wrong !)

,,No load speaking!”
,,Shopping cart insurance for drive by damage not to pay by us!”
,,Deformed person toilet room”
,,Do not fill finger inside electicalitcity door. (It rips finger)”
,,Please avoid shopping cart stealing it is not nice for us to call the police for get it back you stealer”
,,Shemale toilet room not to happen. (Water under construction use male room).”
,,Watch the step on the survace wich is even”
,,Do not rock on purpose in order to not behave the boss the kick you in the supermarket”
,,Supermarkt open: Monday – Friday 8-20 time. Saturday 7-22 time.”
,,Everyday Monday Special! Higher Prices! Only at Monday please”
,,Do not overthrow the the bookplace”
,,No smoking. No cat, dog, animal. No danger. No drunken. < DON’T DO THESE IN OUR MARKET OR KICK OUT”
,,Come in Chinese friends! Rice to be good in Egypt”
,,When the service cleans the ground watch the fall. (fall slowly for not hurt you!)”
,,Drunken come in please go home”
,,Please don’t damage security will take you out”
,,Don’t be mistaken a rober. We call the police”
,,Boss not to be happen today. Please ask the round black woman at cash handle out. (She is another boss)”
,,If to speak the boss Plese It Knocks! To the door”
,,Fresh foot from tree and more today”
,,Apple and curved yellow fruit to be a nice price at the year”
,,Illegal parked car is fine to call the police. (It drive you car to other place and you to be the payer”
,,deadly influenced fish at the entrance handle out to you”
,,Don’t throw you staff at the ground. Clean up is not lovely to the service”
,,Go home come back have a nice day”
,,Don’t scare Khem at the entrance, he for service to you. (No treatment misshandling or rapement to him”
,,It is a nice day to be hot today! Please avoid shirtless”
,,Please wear shoes always”

You can tell which of the sign will be good idea to put? Because many tourist need help for good sign!
I have to be thankfully for the answer which to be deliverment of 10 points!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vehicle Insurance doesn't want to pay?

Several weeks ago I was driving through a parking lot and a lady backed into my car. She did not start backing out until I was almost even with her so she ended up hitting my back passenger door as I was driving by. In the city this happened in, the police will not come by and make a police report if it is on private property (which it was in a supermarket parking lot) and there were no witnesses so basically it has been my word against hers. I have had my car inspected by my insurance company & also hers. I do not want to pay my $500 deductible to get my car fixed all because this lady backed into me so I feel that her insurance should have to pay for it. I received a letter in the mail from her insurance co. saying that I was at-fault b/c of failure to yield right-of-way, improper lookout, and improper lane usage. I called them to find out why and they said this lady is telling them a different story. She is saying that she was already backed out completely and in the process of going forward when I tried to go around her. It just makes me so mad that she is lying! They said to fight it my insurance co. will have to file arbitration and IF they were to win then I would be reimbursed my $500 deduct. but I don’t have $500 to spend right now! Why can’t people just be honest?? Is there anything I can do in this situation??
Well whats bad is the lady that backed into me worked at the supermarket so I’m sure she has already looked into it but even if she hasn’t I’m not sure they would be willing to help me. I have insurance with Progressive but since the police wouldn’t come out for a police report, they act like there isn’t anything they can do it is just her word against mine. The only thing they told me may be possible is the whole arbitration thing and I’m not exactly sure what happens in that situation but from what they told me they take Allstate (the other insurance co. that the lady has) to court and a 3rd party decides who is at fault.

Why is my mom changing?

So lately my mom has been changing and not in the good way. We use to be good friends but now she is annoying and kind of mean. She is always trying to pick a fight with someone and I think she is trying to break up with my dad. Sometimes she just comes in the house crying and yelling. At first I thought she was PMS’n then I was 100% sure it was menopause, considering she is turning 50. But it wasn’t just yelling and crying, she has turned to the racist/ prejudice side.

Last week, she was selling her old car and the guy wanted her to drop the price a couple hundred dollars. Anyways the guy bought the car but she keeps calling him a jew behind his back because he wanted it for a cheaper price. And when we are driving down the road and telling me about work she calls every black person in her story a “n*****”. And she curses in supermarkets, around kids with extremely inappropriate word like “big n***** di**” or “F***”. And she thinks she’s funny when she talks like that. I don’t even want to be around her anymore.

Also, I have told her I don’t want her to say those those derogatory words when I’m near her and that started a fight.

So whats going on in her head? Please help before she drives me off the wall!
@eldots53. She has no siblings, she has a mother (my grandma) and she never knew her dad.